

Boxing is a combat sport and a martial art where two opponents throw punches at each other. The winner is proclaimed when one of the fighters is incapable to continue, resigns, is disqualified for breaking a rule or gets more points during the fight from the judges.

Boxing clubs

Kevin Renno Võitlusspordi Akadeemia
Poksikool Kalev
Klassikalise poksi rühma- ja personaaltreeningud lastele ja noortele kuni k.a. 18 a.
Spordiklubi ML SPORT
Building high quality humans
Viimsi Tigers Gym
Spordiklubi Viimsis kõikidele kes soovivad õppida akrobaatikat, enesekaitset, judot, tai ja kikkpoksi ning klassikalist poksi. Treenime 3-7 korda nädalas