Richard Peers


A former Manchester City FC and Liverpool FC trainer, Richard has worked with children from the age of 3 to 11 groups in Greater Manchester, England. Richard has also established a community football team for adults and trained children in Europe, America and Africa. Having spent over a decade working in youth football, Richard now wants to pass on all that he has learnt to a new generation of players.

Richard is also involved in charity work; having set up a UK based charity the raises money for disadvantaged Russian children, His charity commitments have seen Richard undertake a number of challenges, including running a number of marathons across Russia in 2011 with 200 Russian volunteers.

Näita otsingufiltreid


St. Petersburg (British Football School)

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Haridus ja kvalifikatsioon

UEFA Youth Training Badge


Spordialad: Jalgpall

Erialad: Youth coaching

Minu klubid

Quality football training in English for children between 4 and 12 years old