Atlétika és futás

Atlétika és futás

Track and field is a group of sports that is practiced on a stadium with an oval running track and special areas for throwing and jumping events. The running events include sprints, middle and long-distance events, and hurdling. Jumping events are long jump, high jump, pole vault and triple jump. Throwing events are shot put, javelin, discus and hammer. Additionally, there are combined events such as decathlon, where athletes compete on a number of events.

Atlétika és futás klubok

UP Sport
Harjumaal Peetris ja Järvekülas tegutsev laste, noorte ja täiskasvanute kergejõustikuklubi
Longital sport club
Atletické a kondičné Programy pre deti a mládež od 2 do 18 rokov.
Hillingdon Athletic Club
The club is a very friendly competitive club based in Ruislip and Uxbridge, Middx