Delta Sculling Center

Where EveryBODY Sculls


Diversity, equity and inclusion are more than just words at Delta Sculling Center/Where EveryBODY Sculls, Inc. It’s how we came into being. We began by serving adult civilians and military veterans with and without disabilities. We built partnerships in our community and now reach into the most diverse under-resourced schools and neighborhoods in Stockton and beyond.

DSC programs encourage our youth to develop healthy habits and self-esteem by promoting exercise in local schools and in after-school programs at our boathouse. DSC offers the physical and emotional benefits of sculling and a welcoming sense of community to everyBODY and EVERYbody, regardless of age, creed, culture, (dis)ability, economic status, gender, race, or sexual orientation. We celebrate having participants and coaches who are representative of our entire society.

​At DSC we strive to break down barriers and encourage people to see rowing as a sport that is equitably available for ALL.

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Coaches (Delta Sculling Center) Tule proovitrenni

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Coaches (Delta Sculling Center) Tule proovitrenni

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HS Juniors (Delta Sculling Center) Tule proovitrenni

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Tasemed Võistlejad
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Managers (Delta Sculling Center) Tule proovitrenni

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MS - M & W (Delta Sculling Center) Tule proovitrenni

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MS - Monday Only (Delta Sculling Center) Tule proovitrenni

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