South West Tigers Junior Triathlon Club

Triathlon - when one sport just isn't enough!

О клубе

South West Tigers is a junior triathlon club supporting young athletes (7 to 14 years) in the North East Wiltshire region – Marlborough, Calne, Devizes, Pewsey and surrounding areas. We are a friendly inclusive club and have a range of abilities from beginner to developing triathletes and all are welcome. Our coaching focus is on skill enhancement and enjoyment and our membership is flexible as we understand some youngsters are involved with other sports - particularly in the winter months.

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Unallocated (South West Tigers Junior Triathlon Club) О нас

Спорт -
Уровни -
Цена N/A

Weekly Challenge (South West Tigers Junior Triathlon Club)

Спорт -
Уровни -
Цена -

Winter 19/20 Sunday Training (South West Tigers Junior Triathlon Club) О нас

Спорт троеборье, Бег, Плавание в бассейне, Плавание на открытой воде, Езда на велосипеде
Уровни Начинающие, Продолжающие, Спортсмены
Цена £5 per 2 hour session

Winter 19/20 Wednesday Swim (South West Tigers Junior Triathlon Club)

Спорт -
Уровни -
Цена -

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+44 7795625732